Thursday, March 20, 2014

TBT Post From the Past Re Posting Puzzle Pieces of Life

For throwback Thursday I thought I would use a post about how we are all important in God's plan.  We are all a part of the Puzzle of Life and we are important pieces to that puzzle.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Puzzle Pieces of Life


Do you sometimes feel like you don’t fit in anywhere? I think we all have felt that way before even at church sometimes. Have you ever felt like you’re not as important as everyone else or that you’re not needed there because you have nothing to offer. Do you think that someone else is more important than you are and that you don’t have anything special about you? I think everyone has probably felt this way at sometime or another. It is easy to think that what you have to offer isn’t as important as what others have to offer but God says we are all important and we all have our own special work that we can do. God loves each one of his children the same and wants each of us to use our talents that he has given us to glorify him. We are all important to him. It is like a shepherd and his flock. All the sheep are important and if one is lost the shepherd will go and look for that one. Luke 15:4 “What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?”(KJV) All of us are important and one is not more important than the other person. We all are the same and we should work together to the Glory of God. It is like a puzzle, is the corner and straight edge piece more important than the inside pieces? No they are all important for if you are missing just one piece no matter if it is the edge piece, corner piece or inside piece of the puzzle the picture or puzzle will not be complete. So each piece is just as important as the next piece and has its own special place in the puzzle. The same is we all have an important job to do for God just like each piece of the puzzle and if we try to forget our job and do someone else’s it doesn’t work just like if you try to force a piece of the puzzle into the wrong place, you might get it to sort of fit but the picture will still not be right. We should not think that someone else’s job is more important and therefore we should be the one to do it and get the recognition because first it isn’t about recognition and second it won’t work out and neither job will get done. We need to go where God wants us and do what he has for us to do and do it to the Glory of God and not to our glory.

Then we should also not limit people and assume that they can’t do anything important either. If we limit people we are limiting God too. An example of this is
when I got sick and had to be in a wheelchair I had so many people say to me that they felt sorry for me now that I couldn’t do anything. I just laughed because I can still do a lot of things just not the same ones as before maybe. They just couldn’t see past the physical limitations to see that I was still a vital part of God’s work. It’s true I have things I can’t do but they are replaced with things that I can do like holding others up in prayer. That is one of the most important jobs we can have in God’s work is to be a prayer warrior. I also can still witness and teach. You see they thought I wasn’t as important anymore but God knew just how important I was and God uses us all and has a job for all of us to do so I am still a piece of the puzzle that is needed to complete the picture or puzzle. We are all needed in Gods work, every single one of us believers and every believer is called to go out and witness and work for God. Mark 16: 15 “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (KJV) Each of us is important and needed in the puzzle of life to be completed when Jesus comes again. So next time you think that I can’t preach, or I can’t sing or I can’t teach or I am not important remember that everyone has something they can do for the Glory of God and each one of us is important and we all have some kind of talent that God has given us to use for his work. We all fit into the puzzle somewhere and each of us is just as important as the next one.

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