Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Keeping inTouch



As you might have noticed I have been quiet lately. There is a good reason for this and that is we do not have regular Internet right now we opted to drop the service we have and plan to get something else when we find something that works for us. I hope it will not be too long but until then I will try to post something once a week. I hope you will all stick with me and watch for future posts. I am hoping to grow my blogs and to get more followers. Stay tuned we will be back shortly.


This week’s post I thought I might share with you what I have been doing and reading. I have a couple of suggestions of books for Christmas gifts this year too. So let’s get started.


On Labor Day my husband had a 3 day weekend. We didn’t have anything really planned but relaxing and when I say relaxing I mean going to a museum and parade. We started out by going to the Mahaffie Stagecoach Stop and Farm in Olathe Ks. We enjoyed looking at all the buildings and interacting with the living history people at the farm. The one thing I didn’t do was take the few minute Stagecoach Ride but if I had taken the grandkids with me I probably would have. This is a nice little outing and really didn’t cost that much, $6 for adults which helps them keep the place going. They have a couple of special days coming up that we plan on going to, first is the Wild West Days and the other is Cemetery Tours. I will be posting later about them. On Monday we went and enjoyed the Louisburg KS Labor Day parade with our son, daughter in law and little grandson. He seemed to enjoy it more this year. Funniest thing he did was when they threw candy to the kids he picked it up and threw it back to them. That’s what we encourage him to do when we are playing catch so I guess that is what he thought he was supposed to do. He loved the band especially the drums, maybe he is a musician at heart. We had a good weekend and it was nice to not have to hurry around to get the hubby off to work and all the other things the normal week includes.


One thing about not having Internet is that I am getting more reading done and crocheting which is not all bad. The two books I would recommend for ideas for Christmas are

The Quick-Start Guide to the Whole Bible by Dr. William H Marty and Dr. Boyd Seevers
it is an excellent resource for those who want to delve more into the Bible and their studies. Next is The Busy Mamas Bible Study 30 days in 1 Corinthians 13 by Pam Forster. It is a great Bible Study especially for those who seem to run out of time, they think, to read and study the Bible.

For those who like Christian Fiction I would suggest Annie's Stories An Ellis Island Novel by Cindy Thomson it is a wonderful book. For those who like real nonfiction and are football fans I recommend Sidelined by Chuck Pagano it is the story of his battle with Leukemia and his Faith to get through the struggle. These are just a few of the books I suggest and have read lately.

Last I have been trying to study my Bible more, with all that is going on in the world I believe now more than ever we need to be closer to God and to be studying, reading and memorizing His Word.  I am starting a new study of Daniel and also 1 Corinthians this week and hope you will join me. If you are leave a comment and we can share thoughts on what we are studying.

Verse for memorizing this week is

Psalms 119:105 Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path KJV

I am also already starting on Christmas gifts and ideas so that we get a head start this year. I believe that homemade gifts that are made with love are the best. I hope to incorporate homemade with little things I buy for those I have to buy for. Most of all I want to remember and share the real reason for Christmas and share God’s love with others, what better gift is there but to share Jesus with others?

That’s what has been happening and the plans for the week. Remember that on Oct 3 the Left behind movie will be in theatres so plan on going to see it.

If you want more info on The Mahaffie Stagecoach Stop and Farm check out their site at

Dates for Wild West Days are Sep 27-28 2014

Cemetery tours Oct 9,10,11 2014

Until Next Time