Monday, June 23, 2014

Never A Dull Moment

Hope everyone had a good weekend. We were still relaxing from our trip. Monday my husband's boss told him he had to go on a job so we went to Alliance NE. My husband found out about it at 10:30am and we left at 12:30pm arriving at Alliance NE about 11pm. Mike had to be out at the BN yards at 7 am so we were up at 5am got breakfast and he went off to work. We left at 4 am Wednesday morning to get back home to turn rental car in before 6pm and we made it in time. That is what I call a whirl wind trip good thing we like to drive. It just seems like since I didn't take my recliner camping chair with me I didn't get much rest at night, so note to self always take the chair. I can not lay down in bed so I sleep in a recliner at home and have for 14yrs but it is a challenge when away from home to be able to find a way to get sleep. I tried sitting up in the bed with pillows behind me but that wasn't comfortable for long. So I was tired when we got home and glad to have my chair again.

Our son and daughter in law came by Friday with our 2 1/2 yr old grandson to visit.
It was nice and Ian is so much fun. We turned on Curious George and he and I had fun watching it together, Ian knows it so well that he was telling me everything that was going to happen before it did. He does the same thing when they watch Star Wars and he just thinks it is so sad Nana does have a Star Wars DVD to watch it all the time.

This is going to be a slower week I think and I am hoping to get a lot of reading done and crocheting. I hope to make a dent in my TBR and WIP stashes. I haven't gotten to much done today between blogging, housework, and talking to my 2 1/2 yr old grandson on the phone but tomorrow and the rest of the week should be a breeze. I hope so anyway.

I am hoping to get back to walking again and back to getting healthy and fit. I have not been able to walk for exercise for over a month now and it shows. We were walking a short distance in the heat and it really wore me out. So I am going to have to start all over again. With Myasthenia Gravis the heat makes me weak fast anyway but not keeping up with my walking doesn't help either. Good intentions doesn't get it done so I am going to have to make a commitment and stick to it even if it is just walking in place in the apartment because of the heat.

Another thing that I am starting and making a commitment to do is get back into my memorizing verses and studying my Bible. The last week or so I have missed my quiet time with God and I want to get going again on it. I had start memorizing the Word again but lately haven't been as diligent as I want to be in that endeavor either. I do not look at this as a chore but as something I really want to do but I find one or two that seem to be hard to remember and I find myself slacking off. I know one of the things, since I have been sick and also because I am getting older,  is that it is harder for me to memorize. I just have to work harder and I am going to do that. When I find a verse to memorize I will share again with you and I will also share what I am studying in the Bible each day.

I believe that we need to get into the Word because, first to have a more personal relationship with God, second to learn to be more like Jesus, and third to grow in our walk with God. I also believe that we need to put the Word in our hearts and mind for times when we need it to stand up and to lead others to God.
We watched a Christian movie this weekend called   Six: The Mark Unleashed and it struck me that the Christian prisoners were quoting and writing verses from the Bible on the wall of their cells and it made me think you have to have the words as the Bible says, hid in your heart, in order to be able to do this when the time comes you don't have a Bible to look at. Maybe it was just a reminder to me but it struck a chord and made me want to get back to memorizing the Word.

SIX - The Mark Unleashed - DVD
Six: The Mark Unleashed was a good End Times movie. It has David A R White and Stephen Baldwin in it. It is a Signal Hill Pictures Production and Christian It was about a fascist society that you have to take a chip. Those who refuse are put in prison and if they still refuse they are killed. The Christians chose to die and their is one Christian leader that they want to catch to stop him from bringing people to Christ. The whole movie is about making a choice,  making the right choice. To chose God or the fascists society of the Devil and take the chip. It is worth watching. I would give it 3.5 to 4 Stars

That's it for today. Tomorrow will be book review day so check back then. Also I will tell you where I plan to start my Bible study and any verse I choose to memorize.

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