Thursday, May 22, 2014

TBT The Beauty of God's Hands

It is raining here this morning as I write this and I was thinking about what to use as my throwback Thursday post. I then remembered the post about the beauty of god's hands and decided on it because of the pictures of the sunset with the storm clouds that we took. since I wrote that post I have taken a few other pictures of nature that I want to include in this post because the beauty of God's hands are all around us so here they are.


The beauty of God's hands

Ps.19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands."(KJV) 

Have you ever just sat and watched a sunset or sunrise? The beauty of it, like in the two pictures above that we took of a sunset in the summer of 2007, is breath taking. How many times did you watch a deer or bird or sit by a stream and think about God's creation. King David said it well in the Psalms verse above. We so often take God's handi-work for granted. We rush through our lives never slowing down to take time to appreciate nature around us and all that God has made. When I sit in my wheelchair out in the trees along a stream on one of our favorite trails I don't think about why I am in a wheelchair but I think and meditate on God's wonderful creations. It is peaceful and beautiful there and I could sit for a long time praising God and feeling close to God. Take time to see what God has made. Make time to watch a sunset or sunrise and then praise God for all He has made and done. We as Christians need to slow down and appreciate God. God loves to hear our praises and our worshiping. Think about and Thank God for His wonderful works.
Ps. 8:1 "O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory above the heavens."(NIV)

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