Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Update on Training and Getting Fit

It was a week on Saturday that I started the myfitnesspal.com and watching what I have been eating. Boy was I fooled into thinking I wasn't eating much. The first two days really shocked me because even though I wasn't eating much in  quantity the calories were way up there. I have to watch my sugar and salt intake also and even though I wasn't eating anything in the sweets category or adding extra salt to anything they were both over my limit for the those days. It was a wake up call to see even though I was eating small amounts it was way over what I should be eating. That is the great thing about using this myfitnesspal because you log in with what you have eaten and they keep a tally of how many calories you have eaten and how many you have left for the day. After the first two days I got better at knowing what to eat and how much and actually was getting more than I was before and staying under my recommend calories for the day. I still have to watch the sodium because I did go over some days on it but all and all by the end of the week I was doing a lot better.

I set my goal at losing 1 lb a week to make it realistic for me and I hope that the old saying slow and steady will work for me to lose and keep the weight off. I am hoping anyway. I did get some exercise in and even on Sat. we went on a small hike. It is on a trail here in town and the part we went on had three good upgrades on it. The first picture is looking back over the bridge over Mill Creek to where we came from. The second picture is from the bridge to where we are heading and the last picture is looking back down the trail from the hill top that we stopped and went back from. We ended up doing a little over 3/4 of a mile. I really enjoyed hiking and working my muscles and getting well on the way to making my goal of walking a     mile or more at the 3k MG walk in May.  We probably walked about 45 minutes and at the end I could feel it in my legs, hips and back but it was great.

Now for the weigh in part of this post. Drum Roll Please! I lost 1lb. That doesn't sound like much but just getting started and wanting to lose 1 lb a week then I have met my goal and I am happy. I have to say overall I feel that I am feeling better getting out and walking and the eating better part is really going to go better this second week I think.

So I Am Going To Keep On Moving

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