Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Summer is Surely Here! Or It Sure Is Hot Hot Hot

Wow has it been hot!!  I chose this desert picture from our vacation a few years back because this heat we have been having reminds me of the desert. Summer is surely here and the heat with it. It has been a scorcher and heat indices are up in the 100's here. It makes you just want to stay in and enjoy the air conditioning and not do much, including heating the place up cooking. With my Myasthenia Gravis and other conditions I don't do well in the heat. It zaps my strength really fast and takes longer to recover so I stay in mostly unless it is to go out on a ride where I go from air conditioned home to air conditioned car and back again. We have become so soft compared to what we use to be. I can remember when there were no air conditioners in the homes and we opened windows and played outside under the trees. We seemed to handle the heat better then, but now after years of air conditioning our bodies don't seem to like the hot weather anymore. Can you imagine what our Grandparents and Great Grandparents did before there was air conditioning everywhere you went. What if we had to go back to living without? I just am thankful for what I have to keep me cool and comfortable so that I don't get sick or weak.

I have been trying to catch up on some reading and genealogy this week  but the three day weekend slowed me down. We did go on a road trip and went to some museums this weekend.  I will share pictures later. I just wanted to pop in and let you know I have not melted away, I am still kicking.

Last thought is that I have been trying to come up with recipes to use so that when my husband gets home from working in the heat all day he can have a light,refreshing meal since he doesn't feel much like eating after  8 hours in the heat. I don't want to bake and have been looking at easy desserts that he might like and that wouldn't require much cooking or baking.
 Here is one of my Grandmother's Hot Weather dessert recipes appropriately called:
                                 Hot Weather Strawberry Pie

This is in my Grandmother Gusta Jester's own hand writing so I hope you can read it from the pictures I took of the recipe cards. I think this would be just as good without the crust. Maybe try it with a different flavor of jello and fruit also. Hope you try it and enjoy. Please stay cool and safe in this heat.

                                                       UNTIL NEXT TIME:
                                          JOURNEY ON!